Conclusion: The Evolution
In this paper we presented a system with practically unlimited scalability, practically sub-second finality and practical security guarantees of more than that of Bitcoin. It has the capacity to run any Internet application including messengers, social networks and emails we have today in a censorship resistant, decentralized way. It can grow a validator set to hundreds of thousands of nodes, while preserving all its performance and user experience characteristics. We also describe an economy and governance model to accommodate further development of the network without sacrificing decentralisation.
On 30 of August 2021 a little over a year from the launch of Everscale the internal network running the latest version of Ever OS broke the world record of transactions per second reaching more than 53,000 tps of real smart contract executions. The Kernel configuration that was used consisted of 150 nodes running 10 Workchains configured for 32 threads each, using 1 Gb connectivity. Next day more than 350 independent validators residing in different datacenters joined that same network and set a record of appr. 45,000 tps. No network before has ever reached such numbers, but what it has really proved is that the Ever OS design can scale to practically unlimited capacity with the increase in number of validators via dynamic Kernel reconfiguration.
The above numbers show that Everscale network design can accommodate decentralization of all the current and future internet applications.
We have described that to achieve decentralization the blockchain technology must be inseparable from its economy and governance. The governance and economics model presented here achieves malleability by a set of adjustable rules executed by the community of users, hodlers and developer-entrepreneurs. BFT Governance set of protocols ensures flexible self governance of a protocol and ecosystem development. Economic system has two token models: EVER — a token that captures value of all community sponsored projects, therefore optimized for a value capturing, while NEVER is its binary companion to be used as a payment token while constantly losing value, therefore optimized for medium of exchange property.
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Once when my daughter was young she got a gift. It was a beautiful tropical butterfly. It had very large wings. When opened they resembled a flying owl head, when closed an incredibly precise picture of a sneak head. The camouflage was of course the result of millions of years of evolution. All butterflies whose camouflage was wanting have died. We as humans possess a brain. It tweaks natural selection into our favour by intelligent decisions. A great tool, if used correctly. Unfortunately no human brain always makes only correct decisions. In fact, our brain was enhanced through evolution by natural selection of the buoyant while people who made wrong decisions died, like butterflies. In fact any human will make lots of wrong decisions during their lifetime, sometimes deadly ones. Some wrong decisions will be deadly to a whole group of people if made by their leadership. The democratic process of power delegation tries to mitigate a decision by a group by choosing a leadership that would make less mistakes. Many times this process fails simply because the decision of many does not prevent it from being wrong. Look no further than the German elections of 31 July 1932. The only way to enhance the survival of the human race and avoid more deadly mistakes is to stop delegating vast amounts of power to small groups of leaders for arbitrary decision making.
Decentralized Operating System is a technology that allows people to reach consensus in discrete, spontaneous governance groups about arbitrary subjects formulated as software code without a need to trust each other. It enables us to avoid a need to delegate power and to accept the fact that many decisions simply can not be predicted as either right or wrong at the time they are taken because of our inability to look into the future. Decentralization is a framework to make governance mistakes without global consequences.
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